Friday, 11 May 2007

Lancashire County Council and Organised Crime: 9th in Series

"I never give them hell, I just tell the truth and they think it's hell" Harry Truman

The earlier entries, numbering 8 have errors, seem as if the agencies involved were recording their corruption on the Net.
That was my mistake.

The following are in order of entry and all have been entered by me:
http:www// and then all as follows in that theme:
criticalreader2007: criticalreader2006: criticalreadercw: woodsresearch: woodsresearch2003: woodsresearch04: woodsresearch05.

This entry records briefly the events after the end of 2003 showing continued corruption and a limitless supply of willing recruits for Lancashire County Council (LCC).

By the end of 2003 my situation with the Adult College had become precarious, a SUE MULVANEY for Lancashire County Hall had written to me totally out of the blue with words to the effect of, "I hear you're a liar and a trouble causer and we can't possibly employ you". (County Hall HQ of LCC.)
Colleagues were horrified - who was Sue Mulvaney? She was the newly appointed Director of Education for LCC and had been recruited to the war effort as soon as she had gained her post.
I discovered a while later that Mulvaney had been interviewed in the Times Ed Sup and considered herself to be fair and impartial, always listening to both sides of every argument. When had she ever contacted me to ask what my version was about she was being told? She hadn't, another liar at the expense of the electorate.

When I received her letter I had no idea who she was, no one seemed to know. That letter was followed by one from NATFHE, Colin Gledhill. I was the elected Secretary of the union in college and he wrote to me saying, "You are in a dangerous and explosive situation and we'd really prefer it if you weren't a member".
That was another union expelling me as UNISON had done
(see contrary to the 1992 Act.

Bullying and harassment procedures were implemented in college and all were back-dated. No suprises there.
Would I never get to the end of the string of corrupt Lancashire employees?
After the Christmas break of 2003 handed in my resignation, there was no alternative. The aggravated trespass in Cartmel Day Centre by GEOFFREY CUNNINGHAM in collusion with the college principal, PETER GARROD was unforgiveable. (See link I had no idea what stunts they would pull next to force me out. In my resignation I said I would be prepared to work until the February half term break to allow for staff replacements to be found.
Nobody mentioned my resignation; I wondered if my letter had been received.

To record here I had also made another formal complaint to HQ in Preseton re social services. This concerned the Green respite care home for Asian ladies. The staff there had serious concerns about management and had written to the Director who acted most unprofessionally in sending henchmen to deal with families complaining. The staff who had written the letter outlining what had been happening in the Green were now concerned for their jobs and afraid to take the matter further. I was asked if I would and did.
The cover up was pathetic.
I had also been asked to sign for work I had not done as a teacher. There was no financial gain for me and I refused to sign thinking it was a mistake. There was no mistake, JEREMY BRAUND senior manager of the college made me sign for work I had not done. The Learning and Skills Council were being defrauded. I reported this to them and remained ignored.
It was also brought to my attention that Braund had stolen some research of mine and presented it to the LSC as his. Somebody had recognised that it was my style of writing and knew that Braund was not capable of producing anything much at all. That also was eventually ignored.

I had lost respect for the college management but I was sorry to resign, I loved teaching. It also meant that my research projects would end as they were related mostly to my being a researcher/practitioner.

I had not heard from Sainsbury, court manager Lancaster County Court (see link and wrote to him asking what was happening about the more senior judge I had been promised in December.
He did not reply.

On 23rd January 2004 Friday, I was working in college and late in the afternoon Joyce Dalton came to my work station saying there were people in her office wanting to see me.
There were 2 with Garrod. One an older female and she seemed to be with a client of social services, a male.
"Served" they said and gave me yet more junk mail.
The female I realised was LAURA SALES from LCC legal dept.

(see link ), I had no idea why she would have a client with her.
She had no control over the male; he was leaping about, sniggering and sneering and he really needed his medication whatever that was. I was so concerned about his hysterical behaviour I later wrote to Sales and asked her if he had recovered as they left the building.

P Garrod ran away to his office and refused to hear my version of what was going on. J Dalton spoke to me and I told her I'd already resigned which she knew of. They all knew and that was why Garrod had contacted Sales in what is laughingly known as the LCC legal department because they were running out of time to serve anything on me.

Now I had another Lancaster County Court doc (see link as per Sales above) and the usual rubbish. Would they never learn? It wasn't worth the paper it was written on. And I was supposed to go and see Sainsbury again and it would be a repeat performance of December 03. It seemed as if I wasn't going to get the more senior judge as promised.
(See link )

I also realised that the 'man' with Sales must have been IAN YOUNG
(see link )
The criminal act of aggravated trespass had been committed again this time on college premises. It was a false court document so their business was not legitimate. Sec 69(3) (A) of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 was relevant.

But, in January 2004 a DS ANDREW RIGBY from GREATER MANCHESTER POLICE wrote to me asking for contact. I rang him to discuss Manchester tribunals (see link
According to Rigby many people complained about perjury in M.E.T. We agreed to keep in touch until he could fix a date and time to visit me to look at my evidence.
Emails were routinely sent and received.
On 5th Feb 04 Rigby came to see me with a Stuart Smith and I had a neighbour as witness.
Rigby laughed when he saw my evidence, he said he'd never seen as much and took copies with him. He had asked for originals but I wasn't going to part with those. "I thought you'd say that", he replied.

I was to wait to hear from him about making a formal statement before the whole procedure could begin. He was to visit M.E.T. and see what they had on their files. He told me that M.E.T. were constantly destroying papers to hide the established corruption.
I kept Rigby up to date with events as they happened. And happen they did.

The Royal Courts of Justice had a piece interlocked into the jigsaw and I was introduced to the London Metropolitan Police and Sheffield Magistrates Court.
All will have their own entries, see later.

Whilst all that was happening I was offered an extremely good post via my research work. This work was to be self-employed and I was to be Quality Assurance Facilitator working mostly in prison education departments given my experiences within prisons as lecturer and probation officer.
Being self-employed I was hardly likely to dismiss myself for any reason at all.
Much of my work was in West Yorkshire which suited me, I could stay out of the way.

The harassment, intimidation, stalking was a part of life when I was at home and it was clear that many were involved including the police. How did they fit into the picture?
I had no idea and I couldn't begin to guess the extent of their involvement with the county per se.
The original whistleblowing (see link of illegal land seizure suggested that Freemasons were involved - money, greed, land seizure, murder, the usual ingredients adding up to sleaze and where there was sleaze the Freemasons were not far away.

It was not difficult to outwit them when I was at home but I must have been the only person in the country who couldn't wait to get into prison and feel safe when locked in.
I was untouchable in there. I loved the work, it was all exhilarating.

The next incident in Lancaster County Court is so appalling that it merits an entry to itself. It will be recorded at and what was even more appallign was that Falconer knew and did nothing.
The Royal Courts of Justice warrants its own entry and will be at
Sheffield Magistrates Court will be at criticalreadercw5
and Greater Manchester police at criticalreadercw6
We meet Manchester Tribunals again.
And the point of all this is that I will not have been the only victim of such organised crime. People will have been ruined, they will have lost their jobs, lost their health and their families. Some will have lost their homes and possibly their sanity.
These with LCC don'tdeserve success in any measure. They have no brains, only brawn and that's because of the sheer numbers of them. They ruin people for no other reason other than they can.
It has to stop.
Carol Woods Lancaster 11th May 2007.

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